Spring is finally here! It's time to dust off your duds and get back into style.
Tips for the Young and Young at Heart
For those with more youthful tastes, I interviewed Amy Alexander, Assistant Manager of Urban Women in Calgary. Here's her advice:
The Prairie Look
The peasant top with denim and lace is hot for spring 2002. Ms. Alexander suggests a "designed denim" - for example, a dirty jean. For jewelry try the Vintage and turquoise variety to add spice to your wardrobe.
Stiletto Boots
The "in" boot (I cringe as I think of my tender tootsies) is the Stiletto. And for the slightly more adventurous, Velour track suit a la the singing, acting diva Jennifer Lopez - these things are actually called "Jay Lo suits." They include a bright pink hoodie and flare pants.